Halion 3.5 review
Halion 3.5 review

This is where you spend half your time or more in Dorico. Perhaps the most important changes are to be seen in Write Mode. It also transparently promotes digital adherence to established musical practices. New and improved functionality builds on, expands and refines (and in some cases consolidates) those aspects of Dorico’s famed workflow which make notation so natural. Rather, the greater control which this version affords users has clearly emerged organically from the software’s distinctive design. This new version ( Dorico 3.5) does not consist of a miscellaneous hotchpotch of new features.

halion 3.5 review

Note that not every one of which is available in every version of Dorico 3.5 ( Dorico Pro 3.5, Dorico Elements 3.5, Dorico SE 3.5): consult this table for details. Although we’ll look at editing, playback and presentation, Dorico’s Modes are so carefully integrated one with the others, that many of these new features will enhance your work in more than one area. Let’s group Dorico 3.5’s additions and improvements roughly to match the Modes (Setup, Write, Engrave, Play, Print) which it uses. Help is always at hand, though – most of it from both Steinberg staff and experienced and expert users – on the Dorico forum. This process worked well during the preparation of this review as did Dorico 3.5’s operation with such auxiliary packages as NotePerformer. It’s then safe to remove earlier versions of the Dorico application if you wish. Consider updating your license first, though, with the eLicenser (soft or hard/“dongle”) and let the fairly substantial installer packages run… several gigabytes.

halion 3.5 review halion 3.5 review

Halion 3.5 review upgrade#

The best way to perform the upgrade is with the Steinberg Download Assistant software.

Halion 3.5 review